Thursday, May 20, 2010

Continued from day 3

We had the honor of visiting Pastor Peter's village, where he was born, deep into the interior in the bush. This visit was a very special day, it was a day that a water well was being dedicated. Looking at the pics here, you can see us crossing the bridge where they would collect the water for all their needs. It was green and filthy! People and children were always dying from getting illnesses from this water. A couple families from the U.S., took it upon themselves to raise the funds for this well, and we were so honored to be there for this dedication! Someone said we were the first 'white' people to visit this village. This village is very school, no latrines, no drinking water (until this well). The homes are squared huts made of dirt and sticks. The people there are amazing, joyous and dancing for us! You would have thought we gave them a million dollars! It truly humbled me to be among this tribe! What an amazing day we had!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 3- Our trip to Cuttington U!

A couple nursing students from our class!
Our group of 5! Love these ladies!
Proffesor Flomo and his beautiful wife
The students that attended our workshop.
Jospehus and I teaching 'Basic care and Therapy' for special needs children.
Our first meal of rice and potato greens, made by the guest home staff.