We had our meeting here with all the specialist from our county program, it went very well. The results of his delays seem a little overwhelming on paper, but once we started on goals for the next six months, it seems very doable.
He is between 5-7 months behind in various areas. He will be turning 11 months this next week. He is still my toting baby! He is either on my hip, on my back, or propped up pillows and blankets. I do have plenty of helping hands most of the time. It is great having so many children willing to help their little baby brother. It is also easier with a baby at this stage in our lives, as far as so many willing hands.
As little as Josiah can do right now, he has shown some progress with a few motor skills. We are constantly doing physical therapy of some sort, with him. This week he was able to stay in the crawling position for a minute, once we placed him there. This is pretty big, since his trunk streangth is so low. I have been doing message on both his feet a lot, and we are working on correcting his thumb posture on his hand so he can learn the finger pinch method of picking things up.
Looks like we will be going in for another surgery for his adenoids. His breathing is so congested and stuffy all the time, just getting worse. We are just waiting on what the pediatric eye specialist has to say about surgery on his eyes. It would be nice to get these surgeries done at the same time.
In the meantime, he is such a gem! Always my smiley boy, big wet kisses and hugs, so funny to watch him discover how to make others laugh! I cannot put into words how much I love my baby boy! He is such an amazing gift! At times I am so overwhelmed with what God has given me. What an awesome God to serve, what a calling I have as a mom!!!! I can't wait to see what He has in store down the road!